Vatican Rome Tour Tips

Vatican City Guide (with Map)

 3- Art Gallery (Pinacotheca):

The Vatican Art Gallery (Pinacotheca), founded by Pius VI, displays religious paintings in chronological order from the Middle Ages to the present.

Explore Art Gallery with our photos:


4-Vatican Museums (Musei Vaticani)

The 12-museum complex is the biggest in the world, with 1,400 rooms! To do them justice, however, requires more time than most people can spare. You should probably brave the crowds and see its high spots—the Stanze di Raffaello and the Sistine Chapel (Cappella Sistina) and then visit the remaining galleries (7km/4 miles of walking in all) according to whether you are interested in Etruscan art, classical statuary, archaeology, Egyptian artefacts, Renaissance painting, books, maps, manuscripts, tapestries, furnishings, or any other of the museums’ myriad treasures.

People waiting to enter the Vatican Museums

People waiting to enter the Vatican Museums.

Opening times for the Vatican museums change from year to year.

Vatican Museums Opening Hours: Monday – Saturday: 9am – 6pm. Closed except the last Sunday of each month.

At present they are open Mar-Oct, Mon-Fri 8.45- 4.45, Sat 8.45- 1.45: Nov-Mar, Mon-Sat 8.45-1.45. Closed Sun all year round, except for the last Sun of the month (excluding public holidays) when admission is free and the museums open 9-1. Occasionally staff shortages or other problems lead to one or more of the museums being summarily closed.

Explore our Vatican Museums Gallery: 


5-Academy of Sciences

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has its roots in the Academy of the Lynxes -Accademia dei Lincei- which was established in Rome in 1603 as the very first specifically scientific academy on the planet. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences is worldwide in scope, multi-racial in composition, and non-sectarian in its option of members. The work of the Academy makes up 6 significant locations: Fundamental science; Science and innovation of international issues; Science for the problems of the developing world; Scientific policy; Bioethics; Epistemology.

Rome Vatican Academy of Science

Rome Vatican Academy of Science

View of Villa Pia (Casina Pio IV) which is now home to Pontifical Academy of Sciences from Vatican Gardens in Rome Italy.

View of Villa Pia (Casina Pio IV) which is now home to Pontifical Academy of Sciences from Vatican Gardens in Rome Italy.

6- Vatican Radio Administration

Vatican Radio was founded by Pope Pius XI following the finalizing of the Lateran Treaty. He wished to utilize modern technology to connect the centre of the Catholic Church with the remainder of the world.

Vatican Radio Administration

Vatican Radio Administration

7-Monument of St. Peter

Beyond this cliff, greater up the slope, is the geographical centre of the Vatican State. Nearby in the shadow of the Basilica stands a monument to Saint Peter. As a matter of interest this monument formerly stood in the yard of the Vatican Museums and was initially predestined to wind up on Rome’s Janiculum hill in ceremony of the First Vatican Council.

Monument to St. Peter - Vatican City Map

Monument to St. Peter – Vatican City Map

View at St Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro) from Vatican Gardens with beautiful green lawns, palm trees and paths, Rome, Italy.

View at St Peter’s Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro) from Vatican Gardens with beautiful green lawns, palm trees and paths, Rome, Italy.

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