Colosseum History: Introduction
Towering above the eastern edge of the Roman Forum, the monumental Colosseum—also known as the Flavian Amphitheater—remains one of the world’s most famous architectural marvels. Commissioned by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty around A.D. 70-72, this colossal arena was offered as a gift to Roman citizens and symbolized the might and benevolence of the emperors who built it. In A.D. 80, Vespasian’s son Titus inaugurated the amphitheater with 100 days of games, replete with gladiatorial contests and wild animal hunts. While the Colosseum was actively used for nearly four centuries, time and neglect saw it partially dismantled and used as a source of building materials until the 18th century. Though two-thirds of the original structure has been lost, the Colosseum remains a cherished tourist attraction and an emblem of Rome’s storied and tumultuous past.

The Colosseum was built between 72 A.D and 80 A.D under the Roman Emperor Vespasian, in the heart of Rome.
Colosseum History: Construction Planning

Portrait head of Vespasian ftom Ostia, Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano
The ambitious project began under Emperor Vespasian and reached completion under his son, Emperor Titus, in A.D. 80. Ancient sources record a solemn inauguration lasting 100 days, filled with elaborate spectacles aimed at winning public favor and celebrating the Flavian dynasty’s generosity. The Colosseum stood as the most grandiose symbol of Roman power, shaped by the Flavians’ desire to entertain the masses and reinforce imperial prestige.
In A.D. 64, a disastrous fire ravaged the city of Rome for nine days, leaving it in ruins. When Emperor Nero rebuilt much of the city, he reserved a central expanse for his luxurious new palace, the Domus Aurea (Golden House). Dominating its entrance stood a towering 37-meter-tall bronze statue of Nero himself, and surrounding the complex was a private park featuring an artificial lake.
Colosseum was to be built on the site of Nero’s lake. Nero had built an aqueduct to carry water into his artificial lake. To drain it, the builders cut this supply of water. Photo Credit: National Geographic.
Romans resented Nero’s grandiose palace, partly because they suspected him of starting the fire to clear space for his own projects. Amid rebellions and betrayals by his own generals, Nero took his own life. A period of tumult followed, in which Galba, Otho, and Vitellius each briefly claimed the throne before Vespasian ultimately emerged as Emperor in A.D. 69. Aware of the fragility of his position, Vespasian sought to win public favor by dismantling much of Nero’s Golden House, opening its grounds to the people, and planning a massive amphitheater for public entertainment.
Vespasian died before construction concluded, so it fell to his son Titus to inaugurate the completed amphitheater in A.D. 80. Initially, Romans referred to it as the Flavian Amphitheater, commemorating the family name of Vespasian and Titus. However, over time it became known as the Colosseum, owing to its proximity to Nero’s colossal statue (the “Colossus”), which was later repurposed as a statue of the sun god.
Over the following decades, the Colosseum needed several restorations due to fires and earthquakes. Recorded repair efforts took place during the reigns of Antoninus Pius, Heliogabalus, and Alexander Severus. Significant reconstruction was also required following a catastrophic earthquake in A.D. 443. After A.D. 523, no official records note further events in the amphitheater, ushering in an era of decline. During this period, the structure gradually became a quarry for building materials.
The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater (significance “theatre in the round”) in the world! Oval in shape, it determines 189m long, 156m large and 50m high (about the height of a 12 floor structure). This ancient sporting arena might quickly fit a modern football pitch inside!
Who is the Colosseum’s Architect? No inscription reveals the Colosseum’s original architect, and it is broadly understood to have been erected in praise of the Flavian family. Constructed primarily from concrete and stone, this magnificent monument relied on the labor of tens of thousands of slaves—many of them Jewish prisoners of war, estimated at more than 60,000. Colosseum Facts
Free entry! During major events—often organized and funded by the emperors—there was no admission fee, and sometimes free food was provided. Such gestures helped emperors gain popularity.
Colosseum History: Architecture of Colosseum
Covering more than six acres, the Colosseum measured approximately 620 feet in length, 513 feet in width, and over 160 feet in height. In designing this grand amphitheater, Roman engineers devised an efficient network of arches, corridors, and staircases to accommodate rapid filling and evacuation. With over 80 entrance archways and multiple staircases leading to various seating levels, the structure could reportedly be emptied in under 10 minutes. Below the seating areas lay a warren of stairways, tunnels, animal pens, and stage machinery.
From the exterior, the Colosseum boasted three levels of open arcades. The first tier featured Doric columns, the second tier Ionic, and the third tier Corinthian. At the top, Corinthian pilasters and small rectangular windows completed the harmonious design. Of the 80 total entrances, 76 were for the general public, each marked with a number correlating to a ticket. Two gates were exclusively used by gladiators. One, the Porta Libitina, was designated for removing the dead, named after the Roman goddess of death. The other, the Porta Sanivivaria, was for victorious gladiators and those spared by the crowd. The remaining two entrances were reserved for the Emperor and his entourage.
Inside, the arena accommodated around 50,000 spectators, though some estimates suggest up to 45,000 seated and 5,000 standing. Depending on the event, spectators might witness gladiatorial battles, wild animal hunts, and even staged naval battles when the arena floor was temporarily flooded. The seating was divided into zones that reflected the stratified nature of Roman society, with prime seats reserved for the Emperor and elite officials close to the arena floor. Above that sat wealthy civilians, middle-class citizens, foreigners, and slaves. The highest tier, often equipped with a flat wooden roof, was for women and the poorest Romans. Sailors were stationed at the top to manipulate a vast awning system—called the velarium—that shielded spectators from the elements.
The sand-covered arena floor itself could be transformed into elaborate landscapes, complete with artificial rocks, trees, and hidden trapdoors for introducing wild animals or scenery. Complex pulleys and elevators allowed for surprising and dramatic appearances of animals during hunts. In rare instances, like the amphitheater’s grand opening, the arena was filled with water to simulate naval warfare. Below this arena floor lay a labyrinth of rooms, corridors, storage areas, and enclosures for animals and stage equipment.
Colosseum History: Colosseum Games
The spectacles at the Colosseum generally fell into two main categories: gladiatorial combats (known in ancient Rome as munera) and staged hunts of wild animals (the venationes). These events often took place across entire days, regardless of harsh weather, and served as opportunities for magistrates or emperors to curry public favor. Gladiators who excelled in the arena became celebrities, especially among Roman matrons, and those who sponsored the games earned political and social clout.
Historically, more than 500,000 people are believed to have perished in gladiatorial contests, while over a million wild animals were slaughtered for public entertainment in the Colosseum. Indeed, some emperors demonstrated staggering levels of brutality: on a single occasion, around 10,000 animals might be killed in a single day to highlight Rome’s dominion over nature and celebrate the emperor’s power.
The term munera underscores the idea of these games as “gifts” offered to the Roman people, originally presented during funeral rites or as demonstrations of aristocratic power and prestige. Gladiators typically fought to the death unless the crowd or the sponsor of the games granted mercy. Contestants included slaves, war captives, condemned criminals, and occasionally free men who pursued the life of a gladiator for money or fame.
Animal hunts, or venationes, were similarly extravagant. The first recorded instance of exotic animals displayed in Rome dates back to 186 B.C., meant to showcase a triumphant general’s success in foreign lands. Fierce beasts like lions and leopards were popular, but, over time, rarer animals such as giraffes, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, ostriches, and even whales were introduced to raise the spectacle’s excitement. Unfortunately, these animals typically stood little chance of survival, as hunters dispatched them with arrows, spears, or other ranged weapons, often for the sake of dramatizing cruelty.
During these shows, special arena staff known as incitatores encouraged the combatants to fight with more intensity. Gladiators who failed to exhibit sufficient skill or spirit risked harsh punishment—even death. However, a defeated gladiator could seek mercy (called missio) from the editor of the games or from the spectators themselves. Over centuries, the increasingly prohibitive costs and the moral shift brought on by Christianity led to the gradual decline of gladiatorial events. Eventually, an imperial edict in A.D. 438 outlawed gladiatorial contests, and games featuring wild animals became sporadic until they, too, were banned.
Roman Mosaic showing gladiators and a man fighting a leopard, 4th century A.D., Galleria Borghese, Rome.
Between the first documented gladiatorial contest in 264 B.C. and the official banning in A.D. 404 (though some games continued afterward), countless individuals—including many Christian martyrs—met their end in the Colosseum.
lion is let into the arena, where a heavily armed gladiator is waiting. Some of the audience notched the chew from boxes (above right). Roman relief 1st century A.D., National Roman Museum.
Colosseum History: Over the Centuries
The Colosseum remained an active venue for approximately four centuries. As the Western Roman Empire declined, popular taste shifted, and large-scale public entertainments faded. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and lightning strikes, inflicted significant damage on the structure. By the 6th century A.D., gladiatorial combat was no longer tenable, and the amphitheater slipped into disuse. Over time, it was abandoned entirely. Its stones and metals were repurposed for other construction projects across Rome, including parts of St. Peter’s Basilica, St. John Lateran, the Palazzo Venezia, and fortifications along the Tiber River.
Lots of natural disasters ravaged the structure of the Colosseum, however it was the earthquakes of 847 AD and 1231 AD that caused most of the damage you see today – Colosseum Facts
Beginning in the 18th century, various popes regarded the Colosseum as a sacred Christian site, although historical evidence on whether Christian martyrs were executed there remains inconclusive. Major earthquakes in A.D. 847 and 1231 caused additional structural collapse, leading to the ruinous appearance still visible today. By the 20th century, the combined effects of weather, natural disasters, vandalism, and neglect had destroyed a large portion of the amphitheater’s original marble seating and ornamentation. Extensive restoration initiatives began in the 1990s and continue to the present day. Despite its turbulent history, the Colosseum stands as one of the most iconic attractions in the world, welcoming millions of visitors who come to marvel at its grandeur and reflect on the epic history it represents.
Who’s the author of this site ? (need for a school project)
I loved Roma , very old place and very nice pictures inside the churches and different places